Electronic Cigarettes and Nightlife
Electronic Cigarettes and Nightlife

Over the past decade, e-cigarettes have become a popular replacement for traditional tobacco cigarettes. These battery-powered devices simulate smoking by heating e-liquid containing nicotine and flavorings into inhalable vapor.

Electronic Cigarettes and Travel
Electronic Cigarettes and Travel

Given the popularity of e-cigarettes, more and more people are choosing to take their favorite e-cigarettes with them when they travel. However, many people are not sure how to prepare for e-cigarettes while traveling. This article will help everyone to clarify this briefly.

Visit Joyetech at VAPEXPO LYON
Visit Joyetech at VAPEXPO LYON

We are very pleased to announce that Joyetech, a leader in electronic cigarettes, will be participating in the upcoming VAPEXPO LYON trade show on April 16 and 17 at LYON CENTRE DE CONGRÈS